New Chemical Entity Exclusivity Determinations for Certain Fixed-Combination Drug Products October 2014

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or the Agency) is issuing this guidance to set forth a change in the Agency’s interpretation of the 5-year new chemical entity (NCE) exclusivity provisions as they apply to certain fixed-combination drug products (fixed-combinations). Historically, FDA has interpreted these provisions such that a fixed-combination was ineligible for 5-year NCE exclusivity if it contained a previously approved active moiety, even if the product also contained a new active moiety (i.e., an active moiety that the Agency had not previously approved). The Agency recognizes that fixed-combinations have become increasingly prevalent in certain therapeutic areas (including cancer, cardiovascular, and infectious disease) and that these products play an important role in optimizing adherence to dosing regimens and improving patient outcomes. As further discussed below, we are therefore revising our historical interpretation of the 5-year NCE exclusivity provisions to further incentivize the development of certain fixed-combination products.

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All written comments should be identified with this document's docket number: FDA-2013-D-1675.