Isolation of Mitochondria from Tissue Culture Cells

The number of mitochondria per cell varies substantially from cell line to cell line. For example, human HeLa cells contain at least twice as many mitochondria as smaller mouse L cells. This protocol starts with a washed cell pellet of 1–2 mL derived from ∼10 9 cells grown in culture. The cells are swollen in a hypotonic buffer and ruptured with a Dounce or Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer using a tight-fitting pestle, and mitochondria are isolated by differential centrifugation.



Cell pellet derived from 1–5 × 10 9 tissue culture cells

MS homogenization buffer (1× and 2.5×)

RSB hypo buffer


Dounce homogenizer (15 mL) with a tight-fitting B pestle or Potter-Elvehjem homogenizer (5 mL) with a Teflon pestle (see Steps 1 and 3)

Phase contrast microscope